February 05, 2018

More Than The Thickest of Bloods

When someone asks me what I think about SPA, the very first thing that comes to my mind is family. The Special Program in the Arts, including the teacher and students, has been my home, my heart, and my pride for the past three and a half years. When other people get asked that same question, they may be more likely to answer that SPA is nothing but a joke. SPA isn't even that amazing. SPA is a sick excuse of "talented students" who are only good at mischief and "no-class" passes. But who gives a rat's arse, right? When people say crappy things about my hood, may it be rumors or hearsay with an ounce of truth, we just flip them the bird and continue by our own merry ways. The students in this amazing program know the truth, experienced it, and know how much the SPA has influenced us, our friends, our schoolmates, the teachers and even the school itself. We all know that the program isn't perfect, it never was and it never will be because no one and nothing is perfect. There are things that are frowned upon or ridiculed but there are definitely a lot more things that make the program deserving of its achieved success and status in the school. Oh wait, I almost forgot. So what if there are specializations that usually have no classes? I mean, come on, is that really enough to take down a curriculum that only had the interest of bettering and developing the student's talents? Is that really enough reason for a whole system that has produced and will continue producing competent and talent-developed students in arts? I don't really think so. It's common knowledge that teachers have hectic schedules and they have a very demanding job. So if a teacher is also active in school activities in need of their expertise and is in-charge of a whole lot of grueling students, it equals to an even busier agenda. And since these second-parents in SPA are these types of people, it is fascinating to know that they are still giving their really best towards their laborious profession. All teachers can attest to missing a few classes and so, it is completely relevant. (For me anyways). Anyways, not only is SPA just a program to, like I said, yield globally qualified students in Arts, it is also a doorway for high school kids to explore and learn more about their desired careers and, of course, at the same time, chill and relax. However, this program isn't just that for me. It is so much more than just that. I can't even register in my mind where I would be right now of I wasn't here. It's that unfathomable for me. It's because it's here in SPA that I found long-term friends, amazing experiences and the purest of bonds with the people I've never thought I'd develop relationships with. Not only for this program gave me the right nudge towards the path I never thought I would take, it gave me the relationships no blood-relations could possibly destroy. (Hopefully!) When they say 9th Grade is basically the start of high school, they are no more than right. But being in SPA unquestionably made it a hundred times better. Thanks to our ever wonderful teachers (I know you know who you are), we have basically composed two or three songs and made already a "legit music video." We have also made a movie adaptation with yours truly as the main actress (Well, for our group anyways). I can't even get started on our speech choir, it was magnificent and exhilarating. All these things and a whole lot more effectively made the class closer than ever. But these experiences aren't only limited to 9th Grade. Oh no! What about the whole class jamming? That right there is absolutely one of the best highlights of this SPA. THE WHOLE CLASS, I kid you not. Even if there still is a certain someone sitting outside the circle with their phones shoved at their faces, they're still singing and belting out the sing just like what everyone else is doing. There are also the class' secret signals, the very very "sabay" and laid-back president (na pasimuno ng lahat!), intense and whole class plannings and meetings (that I can guarantee is something only SPA can rock) and of course, our somewhat annual recital. Being a creative writer, I can't claim that during a recital we have the hardest of jobs. We explicitly also have a lot of pressure over our shoulders on the before and backstage of this event yet this is actually one of the greatest features about SPA. Especially during these times, you just can't help but feel elated, happy, exhilarated, and most importantly, proud of everything. The coordination, cooperation, hardwork and communication of a whole program. A whole program consisted of different age groups, different talents, interests and likes but is still capable of overpowering these challenges. Sometimes I feel like a really exultant and proud mama bear who just wants to bawl her eyes out due to overwhelmingly positive feelings. How did I even deserve this extraordinary people? Even with everything I said, I'm aware I can't possibly convince everyone to instantly see light over the Special Program in the Arts and have everybody throng over and enroll to experience the "magic." The only thing I can say to the people is that I'm a very lucky girl who is privileged and blessed by God so so much for being given the opportunity to enter here. Also, if I were given a choice (by a very stupid billionaire wizard) that my time her in SPA would be exchanged with a hundred Iphones, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Nah! I don't even like Iphones that much (don't believe me? Ask my friends!) but I really really love this family.